Monday, November 28, 2022

New Location

 I moved these little ones the weekend before Thanksgiving, so they have been in their new location for a week now. They are getting curious above food and water as they see their mother eat and drink. They are doing a lot of sleeping I believe because the heater is up a bit high and it keeps them very warm. They don't really want to do anything but sleep. I will be turning the heater down and hopefully they will become more active.

Here are a couple of close ups of individual pups. The female Blenheim has been sold, I have one Tri female and one Tri male and three male blenheims

Monday, November 14, 2022

Eyes Open at Two Weeks

 The puppies have had their eyes open for almost a week. They started opening last Tuesday. They are now starting to get up on their little feet and walk a little. In another week I will be moving them into a crate in the living room where they will have alot more room to move around. The fence will still be up, but they will be able to start excercising and let their curiosity get them into everything. Here are a few pictures of the little cuties.

Wouldn't they make a great Christmas present under your tree. Well, maybe near your tree. 😁

Sunday, November 6, 2022

One Week and Three Days

 It's been one week and three days since Ellie had her puppies. She is just a fantastic mother, feeding her litter very well and being so carful and very nurturing. I'm very happy with her as a mother. She has given birth to six very healthy puppies. These puppies are thriving and gaing weight really nicely. By next Thursday I will be able to show her puppies' eyes starting to open. Below is a picture of all six taken on their one week birthday.


 At 4:34 this morning, Livi had her first puppy. She gave birth to eight more by the time she was through. I didn't see the ninth one un...