Saturday, August 15, 2020

Then There Was Seven

 Olivia and I are exhausted this morning. I am sure due to the sheer number of puppies she had, she gave birth a bit early. Starting late Thursday night until Friday evening around 8:12p.m. she was in labor. She did get some sleep Friday afternoon which was a good thing considering how many puppies she had. She gave birth to her first puppy at 8:12p.m. Friday evening and she didn't quit until about 12:00. At that time she had given birth to 8 puppies, unfortunately she lost one. So, she now has seven puppies. There will be a lot of pictures in the coming days and weeks to fill this blog. Here are the first pictures of Olivia's crew. Such a good looking bunch of babies, can't wait to see how their personalities develop. There is all ready a grumpy one! 😁 Now, I've got to start the laundry so she can have a clean dry blankets around her and her babies.



  1. So exciting! :D
    Are you going to have a 'breeder' name as prefix?
    Or do you take a prefix from a stud or bitch?

  2. Do you have any puppies available?



 At 4:34 this morning, Livi had her first puppy. She gave birth to eight more by the time she was through. I didn't see the ninth one un...