Friday, October 28, 2022

Six puppies

 All are healthy and doing great including mom. She was quite the trooper as she showed very little signs of being in labor. She was super restless around 4:30 in the afternoon and by 7:30 she had her first. By 9:30 she was done and all six were alive and kicking. Below are some pictures

Ellie ended up have four boys and two girls. The two girls, one tri and one blenheim. There is one tri boy and three blenheims. Mom and babies are resting comfortably and eating very well. More pictures in the following days.

Sunday, October 23, 2022

So Close

 Ellie Mae is finally showing she has puppies in her. I can watch her tummy when she is lying down and the puppies are moving and kicking. She was very restless last night and I am expecting her to have a restless day. Once she starts to pant she will be in labor and then it's just hours. This coming week is day 57 - 60 and this is delivery week. Ellie's mom, Annie has been hanging around and I do believe she is talking to her daughter to comfort her.

I got her welping box ready this past week. Every time I go through this I learn how to do things better or different to make it better for both mom and babies. So, I bought a small dog bed to put the puppies in while mom is still delivering. The moms usually step or sit on their puppies while they deliver the next, so with the small bed I can keep the puppies warm and safe while mom has her next.

I've got all the medical stuff ready in a box. There is gauze, forceps, scissors, cotton balls, iodine, calcium and colostrum and a nose sucker.The calcium helps with stronger concractions when mom is in labor, It also helps her endure all the stress that goes with labor. The colostrum is something that you give to the newborn to give them a kick when they are brand new. The iodine is to dab on the umbilical cord to stop the bleeding and disinfect it.

I also have a lot of washcloth size towels and hand towels to wash off and rub the puppies to get them breathing.

I have been feeding Ellie Mae twice a day with a meal of boiled egg, fresh pet (a meat and veggie roll you can find in your pet store) and quinoa.

While Ellie has put on weight with the puppies, she has also put on body weight which is so important when she starts to feed her babies. I will continue to feed her twice a day while she is nursing.

So, while I don't have pictures of babies, yet won't be long and I will post pictures as soon as they are born. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Rusty for Sale


Here is Rusty, he is a Ruby Cavalier born on May 12. He has had all of his vaccines including Rabies and is housebroke. He is past the "in to everything" stage and is starting to act like a young dog.

If you are interested in Rusty or one of Ellie Mae's upcoming pups, please email me at Or you can call/text me at 319-232-7769  We live in Iowa


Update on Ellie Mae

 Ellie is finally getting some weight on her and it's not all puppy weight. Her backbone has got some meat on it too. She is under three weeks before she welps and she is starting to really have a pot belly to her. The other night she laid on top of me and I could feel her puppies moving around. WOW  I've been putting a light tee shirt on her so she doesn't have to use calories to stay warm. We are heading into fall fast around here and the temperaturs are going down fast. I want her to stay warm and use those calories to fatten up with. I took some pictures last week so her tummy isn't quite so big. She will really start showing because they really start putting on size now until they are welped. 

I've been feeding her two meals a day. These meals consist of a boiled egg, a healthy slice of Fresh Pet that I get in Wal-mart, and quinoa. She gets protein and good carbs. 

That's about all of this week, next week she will look bigger and she will be more restless because she will be having a tough time getting comfortable. So until next week we will hang in there.

Monday, October 3, 2022

A Lot Has Happened

 Well, a lot has happened in the year and month since I have posted here. I have been very busy with two litters of puppies and I kept a female to replace her mom. So, lets get started.

I guess the first thing I should mention is that I kept Annie's one and only female. Ellie Mae is a much whiter tri-color and her ears are going to be to die for. They are already so long, I can only imagine how long they will be when she is older. Ellie Mae will be one year in November.

As you can see her ears are so long. You can also see how white she is compared to most tri-color Cavaliers. And, yes she is pregnant. My male, Atticus, got her at the end of her cycle and only once. I thought we had dodged the bullit. So, the vet said three for sure and they should be halloween puppies and they will be ready to go at Christmas.

I also have a new male, Atticus. This one is the father of now three litters. My previous male was not up to the task and I had him fixed and sold him to a lady in a retirement village. He is now living the life of a king as a therapy dog for a lot of elderly people. Atticus is my new male and he is quite the character. He is affectionately known as "bobble head" . He is quite the pup.

He is younger in these two pictures, but you can see how lovable he is. Yes, but he is so funny. 

Now, looking back I see I had just posted about my finally getting my ruby Cavalier. Well, she had a litter of pups this spring and so did Annie. We had eleven puppies all summer and we have sent all of them to their forever homes EXCEPT ONE. Yes, I still have one puppy and he is Winnie's son. This little boy, who is four months old, is a beautiful ruby color and he has his mothers sweet face.

The top picture is of his brother and him. We have temporarily called him Rusty as we can't keep calling him puppy. He is such a sweet boy and I really need him to find a home of his own. Below is a picture of Winny all grown up.
So, I guess I have covered every thing. Hopefully you are with me here at the end. I will be posting all the adventures of Ellie Mae as she has her puppies. I don't plan on having any other litters until next year. Having eleven puppies all summer has worn my husband and me out. The economy is not great and we really understand why people are hesitant to put the money in on a dog. These dogs are really special and I guarantee if you ever have one, you will never go without one again. They are also alot like potatoe chips, you can't have just one. 😁

If you have any questions or are interested in purchasing one of the angels, please email me at or call/text me at 319-232-7769


 At 4:34 this morning, Livi had her first puppy. She gave birth to eight more by the time she was through. I didn't see the ninth one un...