Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Update on Ellie Mae

 Ellie is finally getting some weight on her and it's not all puppy weight. Her backbone has got some meat on it too. She is under three weeks before she welps and she is starting to really have a pot belly to her. The other night she laid on top of me and I could feel her puppies moving around. WOW  I've been putting a light tee shirt on her so she doesn't have to use calories to stay warm. We are heading into fall fast around here and the temperaturs are going down fast. I want her to stay warm and use those calories to fatten up with. I took some pictures last week so her tummy isn't quite so big. She will really start showing because they really start putting on size now until they are welped. 

I've been feeding her two meals a day. These meals consist of a boiled egg, a healthy slice of Fresh Pet that I get in Wal-mart, and quinoa. She gets protein and good carbs. 

That's about all of this week, next week she will look bigger and she will be more restless because she will be having a tough time getting comfortable. So until next week we will hang in there.

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