Sunday, October 23, 2022

So Close

 Ellie Mae is finally showing she has puppies in her. I can watch her tummy when she is lying down and the puppies are moving and kicking. She was very restless last night and I am expecting her to have a restless day. Once she starts to pant she will be in labor and then it's just hours. This coming week is day 57 - 60 and this is delivery week. Ellie's mom, Annie has been hanging around and I do believe she is talking to her daughter to comfort her.

I got her welping box ready this past week. Every time I go through this I learn how to do things better or different to make it better for both mom and babies. So, I bought a small dog bed to put the puppies in while mom is still delivering. The moms usually step or sit on their puppies while they deliver the next, so with the small bed I can keep the puppies warm and safe while mom has her next.

I've got all the medical stuff ready in a box. There is gauze, forceps, scissors, cotton balls, iodine, calcium and colostrum and a nose sucker.The calcium helps with stronger concractions when mom is in labor, It also helps her endure all the stress that goes with labor. The colostrum is something that you give to the newborn to give them a kick when they are brand new. The iodine is to dab on the umbilical cord to stop the bleeding and disinfect it.

I also have a lot of washcloth size towels and hand towels to wash off and rub the puppies to get them breathing.

I have been feeding Ellie Mae twice a day with a meal of boiled egg, fresh pet (a meat and veggie roll you can find in your pet store) and quinoa.

While Ellie has put on weight with the puppies, she has also put on body weight which is so important when she starts to feed her babies. I will continue to feed her twice a day while she is nursing.

So, while I don't have pictures of babies, yet won't be long and I will post pictures as soon as they are born. 

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