Monday, August 24, 2020

Video of Puppies

 I am learning how to do all these new things, so disregard any extra noise on this video. I took this video this evening. They are all growing so fast and they've got some fat to run off when they get on their feet.😃 These little cuties will be two week old on Friday, August 28.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Finally Got My Ruby

 Ever since I got my first Cavalier puppies, I have wanted to get a ruby Cavalier. Well, I found one in Illinois and my husband and I drove over to buy her. On the way home after we had drove for awhile, I guess she couldn't keep it in, and she threw up all over the side of my thigh and down the side of the car seat. Well, my husband pulled over in a stretch of highway that had highway patrol cars all over it. I cleaned up as best as I could and got back in the car. I no more then got back in and we seen patrol car lights flashing in the rear view mirror. The patrol man walked up on my side of the car and asked if we were all right. I explained to him what happen and lifted this little girl up so he could see her and yes, you could see him melt. He asked what he could do and I asked him for a bag to throw the garbage in and he helped with that and some spray disinfectant. So, I guess this face below can get away with just about any thing. I would like to introduce my latest and last Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Whitney. She will be called Winny around the house.

So, now you see why the patrolman helped us without anymore problems. How can you refuse a face like this.

Monday, August 17, 2020

All is Well

 Well, we made it through a weekend uneventfully. Olivia is doing everything she is suppose to. I talked to another breeder on Sunday and picked up some really good tips. I put in an older heating pad that doesn't turn off. The puppies have found it and spend a lot of time pig piled on the heating pad. Also, I have ordered some supplements to help Olivia with her milk. Here is a picture of the proud papa, BJ. Olivia isn't allowing anyone around her puppies except her sister Lexi. So BJ sits outside the room and watches. She will eventually allow the other dogs around them.

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Then There Was Seven

 Olivia and I are exhausted this morning. I am sure due to the sheer number of puppies she had, she gave birth a bit early. Starting late Thursday night until Friday evening around 8:12p.m. she was in labor. She did get some sleep Friday afternoon which was a good thing considering how many puppies she had. She gave birth to her first puppy at 8:12p.m. Friday evening and she didn't quit until about 12:00. At that time she had given birth to 8 puppies, unfortunately she lost one. So, she now has seven puppies. There will be a lot of pictures in the coming days and weeks to fill this blog. Here are the first pictures of Olivia's crew. Such a good looking bunch of babies, can't wait to see how their personalities develop. There is all ready a grumpy one! 😁 Now, I've got to start the laundry so she can have a clean dry blankets around her and her babies.


Monday, August 10, 2020

One More Week To Go

 Well, she is down to one week give or take a day or two. She is doing a lot of eating and sleeping. I did see her scratching around in the huge crate we have for her. I think she is getting little contractions to help her body get ready for the main event. Here is a picture of her laying down. Poor baby, one more week!

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Latest Picture

Well, Levi has about two weeks left before her puppies arrive. Last night I put my hand on her tummy and felt a tiny kick. No wonder she has become so restless. I took this picture a couple of days ago, she is really starting to get big. Perhaps she will have three or more. I guess time will tell.


 At 4:34 this morning, Livi had her first puppy. She gave birth to eight more by the time she was through. I didn't see the ninth one un...